Registre des entreprises des Premières Nations du Yukon

Le registre regroupe les entreprises autochtones yukonnaises ayant été vérifiées. Nous avons défini ce qu’est une « entreprise des Premières Nations du Yukon » dans notre politique d’approvisionnement (Manuel d’administration générale, politique 2.6).

Le registre est administré conjointement par le gouvernement du Yukon et la Chambre de commerce des Premières Nations du Yukon. Il a été créé afin de mettre en relation les entreprises des Premières Nations du Yukon avec :

  • les responsables des marchés publics;
  • le milieu des affaires;
  • les entreprises intéressées.

Les entreprises des Premières Nations du Yukon peuvent présenter une demande d’inscription en allant sur la page Inscription de l’entreprise au registre.

Chercher une entreprise des Premières Nations du Yukon

141 résultats
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Kluane First Nation
Dump truck operations, can include hauling dirt, gravel, etc. Skid steer operations, can include services like brushing, clearing, lifting, etc.
Société par actions | Ta’an Kwäch’än Council
Ewing Transport specializes in earthworks, utilizing heavy equipment for precise excavation and grading. Our focus on efficiency and safety ensures reliable solutions for various projects.
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Electricrial Construction and Service
Société par actions | Liard First Nation
Construction, Road Works, Earthworks, Contracted services, Management services.
Société de personnes | Liard First Nation
Construction, Road Construction, Heavy Equipment rental, Environmental Services, Contract Services
Société par actions | Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Electrical Services
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Kwanlin Dün First Nation
Freshwater products and services provides truck and transport services including potable water delivery to the citizens of Whitehorse and the surrounding areas.
Société par actions | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Aviation and business development consulting, including helicopter safety training. Gerodel also owns and operates Remote Aerial Equipment (R.A.E.) for a variety of applications, such as silt sampling and grapple operations.
Société par actions | Kwanlin Dün First Nation
catering services, also cook in camps, restaurants, & pop up outdoor cooking I also am the owner of Yukon Bannock pre-mix bags
Société par actions | Kluane First Nation
We are an organization that connects people and organizations to bring visions to life. We provide guidance and assistance in bridging cultures, governance structures and communications between Yukon First Nations and potential partners.
Société par actions | Teslin Tlingit Council
Gúnta Business Consulting is a 100% Indigenous owned and operated consulting firm headquartered in Whitehorse, Yukon. We provide integrated business consulting services to a wide range of clients in government and industry. Gúnta has a proven record of accomplishment for providing quality services in a cost-effective and timely manner.
Société de personnes | Carcross/Tagish First Nation
Haa Cháli Limited Partnership is a for profit First Nation Development Corporation owned by the Carcross/Tagish First Nation. The corporation owns and manages a real estate portfolio, is conducting remediation works on two abandoned contaminated mine sites, and in the early stages of investment on a number of energy projects that play a critical role in Yukon’s energy future.
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Ross River Dena Council
HPD provides a variety of services including but not limited to; sawmill services (rough cut lumber etc), remote camp construction, property snow removal, right of way clearing, Vegetation clearing, and carpentry services. HPD also has numerous smaller equipment such as Kubota Bobcat etc. With competent operators ready work.
Société par actions | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Snow removal, light construction, ground leveling, dirt hauling
Société par actions | Liard First Nation
IKC is the development corporation of Daylu Dena council, located in Lower Post BC, the sub council of Liard First Nation. IKC has offices in Lower Post and Watson Lake, they have been in operation for over 19 years and specialize in civil construction, clearing, environmental remediation, earthworks, labour, slashing, water truck services and road maintenance.
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun
Carpentry, mini excavator, skid steer and compact track loader services.
Société par actions | Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
An Indigenous-owned and operated consulting that has built a reputation on quality project management, comprehensive business solutions and trustworthy advisory services. Our experienced team will partner with you on: Management and organizational structure and decision making advisory, executive management & assistance, strategic planning, revenue and profit expansion, new business acquisition, marketing and sales strategies, operational direction, budgeting and cost controls,…
Société de personnes | Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Non-membre d’une Première Nation
The contractor’s choice for professional grade construction materials, custom trusses, building supplies and tools. Founded in 1977, Kilrich is the largest building materials supplier and truss manufacturer north of 60. Locally owned and based in Whitehorse YT, Kilrich delivers a full range of building and construction materials to communities across Canada’s north and Alaska.
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Kinners Construction focuses on residential retrofits; upgrading insulation, windows, roof, foundation, siding and other finishes.
Entreprise à propriétaire unique | Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Klondike H2O Sampling is 100% First Nation owned and operates within the Traditional Territory of Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, Klondike H2O offers surface/ground water monitoring for all Environmental needs.