836436 Yukon Incorporated
Business type: Corporation
Contact Information
Main Contact
Name: Benjamin Clark
Phone: 780-236-0322
Email: [email protected]
Address: Km 1278 Alaska Highway Box 115 Teslin Yukon Y0A1B0
Does your business offer its products or services territory-wide?
Products and services
We are a full service First Nations owned and operated Construction company . We offer Excavation and Earthworks, Road and bridge construction services , Site Prep , Clearing Grubbing and Stripping , Heavy Hauling and lowbeds. We also offer logging equipment for salvaging timber .We offer quality work .
Product and service categories
- Building services
- Construction
- Equipment
- Heavy construction - Earth handling equipment (Industrial)
- Roads - maintenance
- services and traffic
Website: www.UNCG.CA