Chu Niikwan Development Corporation
Business type: Corporation
Contact Information
Main Contact
Name: Jesse Bouchard
Phone: 867-333-0309
Email: [email protected]
Address: 121A Platinum Road, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 5M3
Products and services
Chu Niikwan Development Corporation, operating as Chu Niikwan LP (CNLP) works to grow the equity and resources of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) for the future benefit of all members.Chu Níikwän Limited Partnership is building a diverse portfolio of strategic investments to generate wealth and prosperity for the Kwanlin Dun First Nation (KDFN). Land, financial capital and a commitment to a long-term return on investments makes Chu Niikwan a valuable partner in the Yukon. Kwanlin Dun First Nation is currently the only Yukon First Nation eligible to utilize the Yukon Territorial Land Titles Office for fully transferable Certificates of Lease Hold Title which may be bought and sold where eligible purchasers can qualify for mortgages and other financial options offered by financial institutions.
Chu Níikwän has developed numerous partnerships in the real estate, energy and construction sectors.
Product and service categories
- Building structures and land