Dakwakada Capital Investments Limited Partnership
Business type: Partnership
Contact Information
Main Contact
Name: Randy Coley
Phone: 867-668-5831
Email: [email protected]
Address: #303-104 Elliott Street, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 0M2
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Products and services
Dakwakada Capital Investments LP (“DCILP”) is a privately held investment firm located in Whitehorse, Yukon. Our sole shareholder is the Champagne and Aishihik Trust, an organization whose purpose is to hold and manage investment and business assets of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, based in Haines Junction, Yukon.Dakwakada Capital Investments LP does not possess a typical economic or community development mandate. Instead, DCILP exists as an independent, northern-based investment vehicle for its sole-shareholder.
Dakwakada Capital Investments LP has made numerous investments in the Yukon, primarily in growing sectors. Investments in construction and manufacturing sector include Castle Rock Enterprises, and the RAB Energy Group Inc. Other investments include a variety of property holdings.
DCILP is the largest shareholder in the Yukon First Nation Investment Corporation, which invested in the Panache Ventures Investment Fund. This fund is focused on Pre-Seed and Seed stage Canadian start-ups in Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Enterprise Software and Blockchain.
Product and service categories
- Construction
- Consulting services - professional services
- Financial services
- Heavy construction - Earth handling equipment (Industrial)
- Leasing/rental
- Other
Website: www.dakwakada.com