HPD General Contracting
Business type: Sole Proprietorship
Contact Information
Main Contact
Name: Henry Dick
Phone: 867-689-0978
Email: [email protected]
Address: #110 Airport Rd. Ross River YT, Y0B1S0
Does your business offer its products or services territory-wide?
Products and services
HPD provides a variety of services including but not limited to; sawmill services (rough cut lumber etc), remote camp construction, property snow removal, right of way clearing, Vegetation clearing, and carpentry services. HPD also has numerous smaller equipment such as Kubota Bobcat etc. With competent operators ready work.Product and service categories
- Building operation supplies and equipment - only
- Building structures and land
- Construction
- Equipment
- Heavy construction - Earth handling equipment (Industrial)
- Landscaping and forestry
- Roads - maintenance
- services and traffic
- Trade services