Little Rivers Construction Ltd.
Business type: Corporation
Contact Information
Main Contact
Name: Corey Pope
Phone: 587-202-1883
Email: [email protected]
Address: PO Box 1327, 107 M'Clintock valley road Marsh Lake Yukon, Y0B 1Y1
Does your business offer its products or services territory-wide?
Products and services
We are a family owned and operated civil construction company with over 25 years of experience. We operate in the areas of dirt/road works, landscaping, septic fields and preparation of building sites, but have experience in other areas as well. We have heavy equipment, dump trucks and pilot cars. Give us a call and tell us about your plan, we can help!Product and service categories
- Building structures and land
- Construction
- Consulting services - professional services
- Equipment
- Facilities
- redevelopment
- trades
- machinery
- construction
- architectural or engineering
- Heavy construction - Earth handling equipment (Industrial)
- Landscaping and forestry
- Oil and gas operations
- Water and sewer