Yukon First Nations Business Registry

This registry is a listing of verified Yukon First Nations businesses. We've defined "Yukon First Nations business" in our procurement policy (GAM 2.6)

The Government and the Yukon First Nation Chamber of Commerce administer this registry. We developed this registry to link businesses with:

  • Government Procurement Authorities;
  • the wider business community; and
  • interested organizations.

Yukon First Nations businesses can apply by selecting ‘Register your business

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22 results
Corporation | Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Teslin Tlingit Council
Gas station, grocery store and motel.
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Excavation, Tree and stump removal, Demolition, Erosion control, Pad building, Site prep, Septic install and repair, Foundation repair, Culvert replacement, Gravel hauling, Snow removal
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
We are a full service First Nations owned and operated Construction company . We offer Excavation and Earthworks, Road and bridge construction services , Site Prep , Clearing Grubbing and Stripping , Heavy Hauling and lowbeds. We also offer logging equipment for salvaging timber . We offer quality work .
Corporation | Automotive, Kluane First Nation, Teslin Tlingit Council
Supporting Indigenous governments and organizations to build capacity and reach their Nation building goals through: - Facilitation - Contracts & Consultation - Engagements Supporting Government - Business & NGO's in the important and complex work of Reconciliation, Indigenization and effective First Nation engagement through: - Workshops - Facilitation - Strategic Planning - Presentation & Engagement - Supporting Post-Secondary Institutions & Reconciliation through…
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Commercial office and industrial leasing, lease management and ancillary services
Partnership | Teslin Tlingit Council
Commercial office and industrial leasing, lease management and ancillary activities.
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Dump truck services and flat deck services for heavy equipment
Not-for-profit | Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Teslin Tlingit Council, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
däna Näye Ventures is a Yukon Based, First Nation Controlled institution that provides business developmental financing assistance and business services to small and medium sized Businesses, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. DNV offers business workshops and works with entrepreneurs to establish, acquire or expand their business idea. DNV delivers the Yukon Micro Loan Program and Entrepreneurship and Business Development Program.
Not-for-profit | Teslin Tlingit Council
Serving Teslin Tlingit people, no matter their geographic location, and all residents in the Teslin Tlingit traditional territory, the Deisleen Development Corporation's mission is to foster strong social, economic, environmental, and culturally sustainable community development opportunities.
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Logistics planning and execution & Equipment rental
Sole Proprietorship | Teslin Tlingit Council
general contracting and equipment rental
Sole Proprietorship | Teslin Tlingit Council
-red seal on and off road heavy equipment mechanic -class 1 with air brakes -equipment services -general contracting
Sole Proprietorship | Teslin Tlingit Council
general contracting mowing bobcat services
Sole Proprietorship | Teslin Tlingit Council
Road construction Earth works Septic fields Slashing, clearing, grubbing Transport, long hauling Demolition Snow removal Salvaging
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Residential and commercial construction.
Sole Proprietorship | Teslin Tlingit Council
Earth works - skidsteer excavator dump truck, blasting ticket vacc truck tow truck
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Owned and operated by Teslin Tlingit citizen Ralph Smarch since 2006. We do heavy construction, including roads, subdivisions, sewer line, septic systems, diamond drill pads in remote locations, logging, right-of-way clearing, vegetation control and other services. Ralph has more than 35 years experience in the construction industry,
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council, Selkirk First Nation
Consultation /Negotiations Equipment
Corporation | Teslin Tlingit Council
Acts as the general and managing partner for Tle'Nax T'awei Limited Partnership ("TTLP") which owns and manages Whitehorse Beverages distributing Coca-Cola products in Yukon and Northern BC, Klondike Business Solutions which provides office equipment sales and services including RICOH products, and computer sales and services & Acts as the general and managing partner for Tle'Nax T'awei Industrial Limited Partnership ("TTLPI") which owns and manages…
Partnership | Teslin Tlingit Council
General Waste Management a waste disposal, transportation and industrial management services in Yukon and Northern BC, Yukon Water Services providing water delivery services to commercial and residential properties, Sunset Septic providing solid waste removal and disposal and outhouse rentals and Horst Precision Machine Division - Fabrication, welding and precision machining of structural steel. Includes equipment and material sales, manufacturing, repair and service for the lumber, pulp and…